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Install Jekyll SEO Tag in the jekyll sites

04 Jul 2021 . category: Jekyll . Comments
#Jekyll #Github-pages


What is Jekyll?

Jekyll is a free and open source software which generates the text written in favorite markup language to generate the static sites which can be used for personal, blog, projects and organization sites. Jekyll takes Markdown and renders it into a static sites which can be served by any popular server like Apache and Nginx. As the system generates a static sites, it does not use any database. Jekyll supports YAML, JSON, CSV and TSV files accessed via liquid templating system. GitHub pages uses the jekyll engine to render the static pages which uses GitHub repositories with no additional cost.

Github pages

Github Pages are freely hosted public web pages hosted by GitHub. The GitHub pages is hosted under custom github.io domain or on a custom domain name of pur choices. Github pages uses jekyll engine behind the scenes.

When the changes are pushed to the GitHub main branch, GitHub pages automatically generate the static site.

Install the jekyll site and run the site

    gem install bundler jekyll
    jekyll new my-awesome-site
    cd my-awesome-site
    bundle exec jekyll serve

Now you can browse the site in the browser by visiting:


install jekyll seo tag

1. Add the following code to Gemfile by:

    gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'

2. Add the following to _config.yml file:

    plugins: [jekyll-seo-tag]


        - jekyll-seo-tag

3. Use the following code right before </head> in site's template

    {% seo %}

Tapan B.K. | Full Stack Software Engineer

Tapan B.K. is Full Stack Software Engineer. In his spare time, Tapan likes to watch movies, visit new places.