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MySQL is widely used relational database management system. Mysql can store from the character to the large media files. Mysqldump is a command-line utility that is a part of MySQl relational database packages used to create the MySQL database backup. It generated the SQL statements that can be used to recreate or restore the database schema and its data. The output can be generated in XML, delimited text, or CSV format.
By default, mysqldump does not contain information_schema database, performance_schema and MySQL Cluster ndbinfo database details.
A software bug or hard-drive failure could be disastrous. So, it is always a good idea to take backup of the database.
mysqldump -u [user_name] –p [user_password] [options] [database_name] [table_name] > [dump_file_name.sql]
You will be prompted to enter the user password mentioned in -u parameter. After successful authentication, the database dump will be created.
If you are logged in same user that you want to perform the database dump, you can omit -u and -p options.
mysqldump [options] [database_name] [table_name] > [dump_file_name.sql]
To generate only database structure without any data, --no-data option is used.
mysqldump -u database-user -p --no-data database_name > database_structure.sql
This is the most common way to create the database backup. We can create the multiple database at once.
We need to use --database followed by the list of databases name separated by space.
mysqldump -u root -p --databases database_name_1 database_name_1 > databases_dump_1_2.sql
This command will create the database dump containing all the database mentioned.
Use --all-databases option to back up all the MySQL databases.
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > all_databases.sql
Mysqldump utility doesn't provide an inbuilt option to back up all databases to separate files at once. we can easily achieve that with a for loop and bash
for DB in $(mysql -e 'show databases' -s --skip-column-names); do mysqldump $DB > "$DB.sql"; done
It is good idea to compress file the output file if the size of the file is very large.
mysqldump database_name | gzip > dump.sql.gz
The database dump can be restored using the mysql database dump. The command to restore the database dump:
mysql database_name < database_dump.sql
The database back up with -all-databases option can be restored at once. We can store the all database using --one-database option
mysql --one-database database_name < all_databases_dump.sql
If we want to dump the records from table that with specific condition, we can specify the condition during database dump. For example, if we want to dump the database from users table from customers table where created_at is greater than '2021-01-02',
mysqldump -u root -p customers --tables users --where="created_at > '2021-01-02' " > database_dump.sql