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A Docker file is a script that is used by Docker to generate containers automatically. It is a text document that contains all the instructions that is used to create an image from command line.
It allows programmers to build and run containers(self-contained applications) and systems. The Docker generates various light weight containers that help applications to work efficiently in different environments.
Comments gives more details of the scope. Comments in the dockerfile start with #. It can be placed any where in Docker file.
# from base image node
It must be the first command declared in the Dockerfile. Image cannot be build without this command.
It defines the base image to use to start the build process that can be pulled from the docker hub. If a image mentioned onf FROM image is not found on the host, Docker will try to find on Docker hub or other container repository.
# from base image node FROM node:8.11-slim
This command pulls the node 8.11
It is not executing command that declares the author of the image
Command to be executed when running a container. It is used to give the default commands when the image is instantiated. The docker file must contain one CMD command. If a Dockerfile has multiple CMDs, it will only run the last one.
# command executable and version CMD ["node","-v"] CMD ["node"]
It is used as an executable for the container. In following example, we are using the ENTRYPOINT for executable command and use CMD command to pass some default commands to executable.
CMD ["-v"] ENTRYPOINT ["node"]
Points to note:
WORKDIR sets the working directory for all the consecutive commands. We can have the multiple WORKDIR commands, and it will be appended with a relative path. The WORKDIR directive is used to set where the command defined with CMD is to be executed.
Following example will set the WORKDIR to /home/tapan/api
WORKDIR /home/tapan WORKDIR api
This command sets environment variables for the subsequent instructions in the build stage.
ENV workdirectory /home/tapan/api WORKDIR $workdirectory
It is used to copy files or directories from source host filesystem to a destination in the container file system.
Following COPY command copies the package.json file our system to a container file system
COPY package.json .
LABEL command is used to add some metadata to the image.
LABEL "about"="This file is just am example to demonstarte the LABEL"
Run executes the instruction in a new layer on top of the existing image. The new layer is committed and user for the next instruction in the Dockerfile. It takes a command as its argument and runs it to form the image.
RUN npm install
It is similar to COPY. It is more feature-rich than COPY. COPY is more preferred over ADD
ADD is used to add files or directories and remote files from URL from source host filesystem to a destination in the container file system.
ADD index.js .
ARG is used to pass some arguments to instruction. This is only command tha can be added before FROM other than a comment
# from base image node ARG NODE_VERSION=8.11-slim FROM node:$NODE_VERSION
FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:12 ARG MSG ENV HELLO Hello ${MSG}
HELLO is an environment variable accessible in all the systems running inside the container defined by this image. It is set to the text message Hello ${MSG} where MSG is an argument that can be set via the docker build command:
docker build --build-arg MSG="Hello World" -t my-awesome-app
If you want to pass multiple argument
docker build --build-arg MSG="Hello World" --build-arg name="Tapan BK" -t my-awesome-app
ARG can also be nested:
FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:12 ARG MSG="Hello world" ARG COOLMSG="Welcome, ${MSG}" RUN echo ${COOLMSG}
The EXPOSE keyword is used to expose a port inside the Docker image to the outside world.
This command associate a specified port to enable networking between the running process inside the container and the host
We expose the Docker image on port 3070, which we can then use when running the container.
USER instruction sets user to use when running the image and for running any instructions that runs on the Dockerfile
RUN useradd tapanbk USER tapanbk
VOLUME is used to create a mount point with the specified name. This command enable access from container to a directory on the host machine.
RUN mkdir /dockerexample VOLUME /dockerexample
# from base image node ARG NODE_VERSION=8.11-slim FROM node:$NODE_VERSION LABEL "about"="This file is just am example to demonstrate the LABEL" ENV workdirectory /home/tapanbk RUN mkdir /dockerexample VOLUME /dockerexample COPY package.json . RUN ls -ll &&\ npm install RUN useradd tapanbk &&\ mkdir -p $workdirectory &&\ chown tapanbk $workdirectory USER tapanbk WORKDIR $workdirectory ADD index.js . RUN ls -l EXPOSE 3070 # command executable and version ENTRYPOINT ["node"]